Getting your
Teeth in Gear!

Getting your
Teeth in Gear!

No Sugar Added — A Tooth Works Blog

Welcome to our dentist-written blog! Our intention here is to provide you with an educational— yet opinionated—blog written by the dentists in our clinic, with contributions from other dental specialists and various health care professionals. Our aim is to provide you with what we feel is appropriate information to keep your children’s teeth in gear!
You may not agree with everything presented in our blog, and that’s OK. We respect your right, as a parent, to make decisions for your child, and we will continue to respect that right clinically where we are able. However, we have opinions we want to share on various pediatric dental topics based on our clinical experience and evidence-based research. As is the case in all aspects of medicine and dentistry, our opinions will always evolve with developments in science.
If there are topics that you are eager to hear more about, please email us with suggestions.
Disclaimer: We encourage parents to read the blog posts on our website with enthusiasm, but please keep in mind the material and opinions presented do not imply diagnoses for your child. Treatment options and diagnoses can only be given after a visit to the dentist and a thorough medical history and clinical/radiographic examination. Dissemination of any articles written by Tooth Works without attribution to its authors and without the author’s permission is prohibited.